Heritage secured in Armory Gallery

The following heritage is safely preserved in Armory Gallery

Curved swords used by Mughal soldiers

Curved swords used by Mughal soldiers

Sikh soldiers' armour and swords

Sikh soldiers' armour

Metal shield and swords

Metal shield and swords

Light guns used by British soldiers

Light guns used by British soldiers

Statue of King George

Statue of King George

Guns used by British soldiers

Guns used by British soldiers

Painting of war b/w Sikhs and Britain

Painting of war b/w Sikhs and Britain

Painting - Britain taking over Punjab

Britain taking over Punjab

Musical instruments used during Sikh rule

Musical instruments used during Sikh rule

Stuffed horse of Ranjit Singh's

Stuffed horse of Ranjit Singh

Hands of Rani Jind Kaur- made of white marble

Hands of Rani Jind Kaur- made of white marble

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